VERB (以…)结束,告终 If you say that an activity, process, or series of events culminates in or with a particular event, you mean that event happens at the end of it.
They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk... 他们争论了一番,最后汤姆喝醉了。
The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20. 百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。
They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk 他们争论了一番,最后汤姆喝醉了。
The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20. 百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。
Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy. 贾尔斯触发了随后的一系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。
All his efforts culminate in selling the house. 他为售出这房子,所有的努力都以失败而告终。
Additionally, predictable revenue, huge market caps, and new competition culminate into a perfect storm. 此外,可预见的收入、庞大的市值,还有新的竞争,经过发酵最终必将爆发一场完美风暴。
Proper cultivation and care will culminate in the best crops and therefore the finest ingredients. 精心的耕种和培育会最终收获优良的庄家,因此得到最上乘的配料。
This often overlooked step can help avoid confusion and frustration that often culminate in an expensive visit by a security specialist. 这一经常忽视的步骤可以帮助避免混淆和失败,而它们往往以安全性专家的昂贵访问而告终。
Her 10-year love affair is about to culminate in a wedding. 她长达十年的爱情长跑终于要在婚礼中走向高潮了。
Three things could culminate in September to send investors scrambling from emerging markets. 三件事可能在9月份到达顶峰,让新兴市场投资者陷入混乱。
These features and this combination culminate in significantly reduced Packaging, Storage and Handling costs. 这些特性和这种组合最终导致大幅减少包装,储存和装卸费用。
The guide also describes some of the career paths that culminate in leadership positions in critical care medicine. 指南还对危重病护理医学中领导职位职业提升途径进行了描述。
The year-long activities will culminate in Dakar, with the holding of the sixth global forum of the Council in December 2003. 全年的活动将以2003年12月塞内加尔达卡尔举行的理事会第六次全球论坛为高潮。
This proce should culminate in the introduction of the single currency by the end of the century. 这一进程最终将于20世纪末引入单一货币。
The course will culminate in a large, final composition and a public concert during the last week. 课程将以期末大型乐曲创作,以及最后一周的公开音乐会做为结束。
A series of international meetings held over the last ten weeks will culminate in the Geneva meeting. 过去十周内举行的一系列国际会议将于这次日内瓦会议达到高潮。
For these reasons, I launched a consultative process in2010 on the future of financing for WHO that will shortly culminate in a plan of reform for the Organization. 正是由于这些原因,我在2010年启动了世卫组织未来筹资问题磋商进程,并将于不久制定本组织改革计划。
Many campaigns culminate in the23rd month, not running out the full two years. 许多上涨的高潮出现在第23个月,而运行不超过整整两年。
All his effort culminate in failure. 她的全部努力以失败而告终。
Ministers from the world's biggest emitters are meeting today in London in the final stages of talks that will culminate in Copenhagen in December. 一些全球最大碳排放国的部长将于今日在伦敦会晤,进行最后阶段的商谈,最终会谈将在12月份召开的哥本哈根气候变化峰会上进行。
This could culminate in defensive US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a deepening quagmire eventually encompassing Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. 这一切可能会在美国对伊朗的防御性军事行动中达到高潮,使单打独斗的美国陷入一个越来越深的沼泽,最终被伊拉克、伊朗、阿富汗和巴基斯坦所包围。
If they were allowed their own way, every comedy would have a tragic ending, and every tragedy would culminate in a farce. 要是由着他们干的话,每一部喜剧都会有个悲剧性的结局,而每一部悲剧也都以闹剧告终。
They all culminate in these four sections. 它们全部可以归于这4方面。
If god's arrangement, all culminate in a day. 是否上天冥冥之中的安排,一切巧合聚在一天之中。
We ask for patience at this time for crucial events are going to be set in motion which will culminate in a series of catastrophic results. 我们请求你们在此时此刻保持耐心,因为决定性的事件即将发动,这将以一系列激变的结果告终。
The two-week-long talks, in early December in Poznan, are not expected to produce much progress in the two-year negotiations, which began last year in Bali and will culminate late next year in a conference in Copenhagen. 将于12月初在波兹南召开的会议为期两周,预计不会取得太大进展。此次会议是为期两年的谈判进程(去年从巴厘开始,明年末将在哥本哈根举行最后一次会议)的一部分。
And in just a few days, a century-long struggle will culminate in a historic vote. 几天之后,在历史性的投票中,长达一个世纪的努力即将达到高潮。
This program can culminate in either an MBA or an MA degree. 这个程序可以在任何最终的MBA学位或硕士学位。
But it could yet culminate in another big deal. 但这也可能要在另一个大型交易中才会达到顶点。
Industry should embrace stronger environmental controls, a leading chemicals manufacturer has urged, as ministers from the world's biggest polluting countries meet in London for the final stages of climate change talks that will culminate in Copenhagen in December. 工业界应采取更严格的环境控制标准,一家领先的化学品制造商呼吁说。目前全球各大污染排放国家的部长们正在伦敦开会,在12月份哥本哈根气候变化峰会之前进行最后阶段的谈判。