They quickly stripped me of my clothes and bound me like a mummy in a gossamer web. 他们飞快地扒了我的衣服,把我绑得像个蜘蛛网里的木乃伊。
Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions, Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen. 游丝软系飘春榭,落絮轻沾扑绣帘。
Looking over the damp sod in the direction of the sun, a glistening ripple of gossamer webs was visible to their eyes under the luminary, like the track of moonlight on the sea. 朝太阳方向的湿润的草地上望去,只见游丝一样的蛛网在太阳下起伏,形成闪亮的细小波浪,好像洒落在海浪中的天上月光。
Infinitesimal details become artistic expression, a translucent tip of a fin becomes like fine gossamer of haute couture fabric. 微妙的细节成为艺术的表达,鱼鳍的透明末梢就似奢华的薄纱。
Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? 我留下了任何细微的踪迹了吗?
A male forest chaser dragonfly displays its gossamer wings in Taiwan. 台湾一只雄性的森林猎者蜻蜓展示它丝网般的翅膀。
This is gossamer season. 这是游丝的季节。
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul. 直到你抛出的游丝抓住了某处,我的心灵啊!
Let me think and find that thread of gossamer! 让我想一想,来设法找到自己的那条蜘蛛丝。
He was merely floating those gossamer threads of thought which, like the spider's, he hoped would lay hold somewhere. 他只是让自己的思绪像游丝般地飘浮着,指望这思绪像蜘蛛丝一样,会挂在什么地方。
In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds. 有些被子植物的种子有蛛丝般的翅膀,例如蒲公英和乳草属植物的种子。
His arms, holding my arms up gently and firmly, made me feel gossamer. 他的双臂坚定而温柔地托起我的胳膊,使我感到轻飘飘的。
So this evening, was it Jonny gossamer enough for you? 今天晚上乔尼葛瑟姆让你受罪了吗?
This smallest and most ethereal of birds; gossamer shading through his playing. 最小巧、轻盈的鸟儿;他比赛时轻盈的身影。
In the early morning the lawn was covered with gossamer. 草地在大清早时被蛛丝覆盖看。
To add a Middle East crisis to the war in Vietnam might shred the gossamer fabric of East-West relations. 越南战争之外再加上一个中东危机或许会毁掉脆弱的东西方关系。
They seem to consider their networks to be fragile, gossamer things, able to collapse in a strong breeze ( or under the weight of a bunch of iPhone users.) 他们似乎觉得自己的网络弱不禁风,一定数量的iPhone用户产生的负载,就可以把它压垮。
The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk. 日积月累地盘据半岛上湖滨地带的蜘蛛丝散发出恶臭,可能是蜘蛛丝上昆虫遗体腐化所致。
Not even melanie's influence could repair the break of that gossamer thread. 即使媚兰出来运用她的影响,也无济于事了。
Struggling in the same wet gossamer, the effort to learn when they gave birth to, as long as there is some hope, do not forget the full bloom of life. 挣扎在游丝一样的湿润中,努力的汲取、孕育,只要有一点希望,都不忘记生命的绽放。
This approach completely eliminates adjustment difficulties caused by mechanical gossamer location, errors caused by gossamer deformation, high production costs, and so on. 这种方法彻底消除了机械游丝定位带来的调整困难、游丝变形所引起的误差及制作成本高等不利因素。
As an art medium, words 'most essential feature is indirect and the imagination and gossamer beauty from it. 文字这种艺术媒介的最本质特点是它的间接性,以及由这个特点催生出的想象性和由此而产生的朦胧美。
Rational optical path and circuit design can produce high-quality gossamer lines. 经合理的光路设计及电路控制能得到高质量的游丝线条。