
英 [laɪt] 美 [laɪt]

n.  光; 光线; 光亮; (具有某种颜色和特性的)光; 发光体; 光源; (尤指)电灯
adj.  充满亮光的; 明亮的; 有自然光的; 浅色的; 淡色的; 轻的; 轻便的; 不太重的
v.  点燃; 点火; 开始燃烧; 燃起来; 照亮; 使明亮
adv.  轻地; 清楚地; 轻便地



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.529 / COCA.464



    太阳;灯 from sun/lamps

  1. 光;光线;光亮
    the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things
    1. bright/dim light
      明亮 / 暗淡的光线
    2. a room with good natural light
    3. in the fading light of a summer's evening
    4. The light was beginning to fail (= it was beginning to get dark) .
    5. She could just see by the light of the candle.
    6. Bring it into the light so I can see it.
    7. a beam/ray of light
      一束 / 一缕光线
    8. The knife gleamed as it caught the light (= as the light shone on it) .
  2. (具有某种颜色和特性的)光
    a particular type of light with its own colour and qualities
    1. A cold grey light crept under the curtains.
  3. 灯 lamp

  4. 发光体;光源;(尤指)电灯
    a thing that produces light, especially an electric light
    1. to turn/switch the lights on/off
      开 / 关灯
    2. to turn out the light(s)
    3. Suddenly all the lights went out .
    4. It was an hour before the lights came on again.
    5. to turn down/dim the lights
    6. A light was still burning in the bedroom.
    7. ceiling/wall lights
      顶 / 壁灯
    8. Keep going─the lights (= traffic lights) are green.
    9. Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working.
  5. 香烟 for cigarette

  6. 火柴;打火机;点火器
    a match or device with which you can light a cigarette
    1. Have you got a light?
    2. Do you have a light?
  7. 眼神 expression in eyes

  8. 眼神
    an expression in sb's eyes which shows what they are thinking or feeling
    1. There was a soft light in her eyes as she looked at him.
  9. 图画 in picture

  10. (图画中和暗色对比的)亮色,浅色
    light colours in a picture, which contrast with darker ones
    1. the artist's use of light and shade
  11. 窗户 window

  12. 窗;窗户;光线进口;采光孔
    a window or an opening to allow light in
    1. leaded lights


    自然光 with natural light

  1. 充满亮光的;明亮的;有自然光的
    full of light; having the natural light of day
    1. We'll leave in the morning as soon as it's light.
    2. It gets light at about 5 o'clock.
    3. It was a light spacious apartment at the top of the building.
  2. 颜色 colours

  3. 浅色的;淡色的
    pale in colour
    1. light blue eyes
    2. Lighter shades suit you best.
    3. People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours.
  4. 重量 weight

  5. 轻的;轻便的;不太重的
    easy to lift or move; not weighing very much
    1. Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry.
    2. Carry this bag─it's the lightest.
    3. He's lost a lot of weight─he's three kilos lighter than he was.
    4. The little girl was as light as a feather .
    5. The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built with steel.
  6. (比平均或平常重量)轻的
    of less than average or usual weight
    1. light summer clothes
    2. Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge.
  7. (与重量单位连用)分量不足的
    used with a unit of weight to say that sth weighs less than it should do
    1. The delivery of potatoes was several kilos light.
  8. 轻柔 gentle

  9. 轻柔的;柔和的;不太用力的
    gentle or delicate; not using much force
    1. She felt a light tap on her shoulder.
    2. the sound of quick light footsteps
    3. You only need to apply light pressure.
    4. As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved) .
  10. 工作;锻炼 work/exercise

  11. 容易做的;轻松的;不使人疲劳的
    easy to do; not making you tired
    1. After his accident he was moved to lighter work.
    2. some light housework
    3. You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise.
  12. 不大 not great

  13. 少量的;程度低的
    not great in amount, degree, etc.
    1. light traffic
    2. The forecast is for light showers.
    3. light winds
    4. Trading on the stock exchange was light today.
  14. 不严厉;不严重 not severe/serious

  15. 不严厉的;轻的
    not severe
    1. He was convicted of assaulting a police officer but he got off with a light sentence .
  16. 娱乐性的;消遣性的;轻松的
    entertaining rather than serious and not needing much mental effort
    1. light reading for the beach
    2. a concert of light classical music
  17. 不严肃
    not serious
    1. She kept her tone light.
    2. This programme looks at the lighter side of politics.
    3. We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring) .
    4. On a lighter note , we end the news today with a story about a duck called Quackers.
  18. 愉快 cheerful

  19. 无忧无虑的;愉快的;快活的
    free from worry; cheerful
    1. I left the island with a light heart.
  20. 食物 food

  21. 少量的
    small in quantity
    1. a light supper/snack
    2. I just want something light for lunch.
  22. 不腻的;清淡的;易消化的
    not containing much fat or not having a strong flavour and therefore easy for the stomach to digest
    1. Stick to a light diet.
  23. 含有许多空气的;松软的
    containing a lot of air
    1. This pastry is so light.
  24. 饮料 drink

  25. 酒精含量低的;低度酒的
    low in alcohol
    1. a light beer
  26. 睡眠 sleep

  27. 睡得不沉的;易醒的
    a person in a light sleep is easy to wake
    1. She drifted into a light sleep.
    2. I've always been a light sleeper.


    开始燃烧 start to burn

  1. 点燃;点火
    to make sth start to burn
    1. She lit a candle.
    2. The candles were lit.
    3. I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn.
  2. 开始燃烧;燃起来
    to start to burn
    1. The fire wouldn't light.
  3. 照亮 give light

  4. 照亮;使明亮
    to give light to sth or to a place
    1. The stage was lit by bright spotlights.
    2. well/badly lit streets
      灯光明亮的 / 昏暗的街道
  5. 用光指引
    to guide sb with a light
    1. Our way was lit by a full moon.





    The form lit is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form lighted is also used. 过去式和过去分词形式通常用lit,但亦使用lighted。

  1. N-UNCOUNT 光;光线;光亮
    Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire.
    1. Cracks of light filtered through the shutters...
    2. Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off...
    3. It was difficult to see in the dim light.
    4. ...ultraviolet light.
  2. N-COUNT 发光体;光源;(电)灯
    A light is something such as an electric lamp which produces light.
    1. The janitor comes round to turn the lights out...
    2. You get into the music, the lights and the people around you.
    3. ...street lights.
  3. N-PLURAL 交通信号灯;红绿灯
    You can use lights to refer to a set of traffic lights.
    1. ...the heavy city traffic with its endless delays at lights and crossings.
  4. VERB 照亮;照耀
    If a place or object is lit by something, it has light shining on it.
    1. It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly...
    2. The room was lit by only the one light...
    3. The low sun lit the fortress walls with yellow light.
    4. ...the little lighted space at the bottom of the stairwell.
  5. ADJ-GRADED (清晨或黄昏)天色亮的
    If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day.
    1. It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek...
    2. He would often rise as soon as it was light and go into the garden.
    3. ...light summer evenings.
  6. ADJ-GRADED (自然)光线充足的
    If a room or building is light, it has a lot of natural light in it, for example because it has large windows.
    1. It is a light room with tall windows...
    2. Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean.
  7. V-ERG 点燃;点着
    If you light something such as a cigarette or fire, or if it lights, it starts burning.
    1. Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette...
    2. If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.
    3. ...a lighted candle.
  8. N-SING (火柴、打火机等)点火物
    If someone asks you for a light, they want a match or cigarette lighter so they can start smoking.
    1. Have you got a light anybody?
  9. N-COUNT 角度;(事物呈现的)状态
    If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature.
    1. He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.
  10. N-SING 影响
    You can refer to the type of influence that something has on situations, people, or things as the light of that situation, person, or thing.
    1. ...the harsh light of reality.
  11. N-PLURAL 眼光;(个人的)观点,标准
    You say that something is done or is acceptable according to someone's lights when you mean that it is done or is acceptable according to their own ideas and standards.
    1. They can get on with running the school system according to their own lights and in their own interests.
  12. N-SING 眼神;目光
    If there is a light in someone's eyes, there is an expression in their eyes that shows you the mood they are in or what they are thinking about.
    1. I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.
  13. See also: lighter lighting bright lights night light pilot light red light
  14. PHRASE 显露;揭露;为人所知
    If something comes to light or is brought to light, it becomes obvious or is made known to a lot of people.
    1. Nothing about this sum has come to light...
    2. The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the promised enquiry.
  15. PHRASE 开始明白
    If light dawns on you, you begin to understand something after a period of not being able to understand it.
    1. At last the light dawned. He was going to marry Phylis!
  16. PHRASE 黎明;破晓
    First light is the time in the early morning when light first appears and before the sun rises.
    1. Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.
  17. PHRASE 准许;许可
    If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something.
    1. The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals...
    2. Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.
  18. PREP-PHRASE 鉴于;由于;根据
    If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.
    1. In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.
  19. PHRASE 很快入睡;立即失去知觉
    If someone goes out like a light, they fall asleep or become unconscious very quickly or immediately.
    1. 'Why didn't somebody come and tell me?' — 'Because you were out like a light.'
  20. PHRASE 重见天日
    If you say that an object sees the light of day or sees the light, you mean that it is taken out of the place where it is stored.
    1. Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.
  21. PHRASE 问世;为公众所知
    If something sees the light of day at a particular time, it comes into existence or is made known to the public at that time.
    1. This extraordinary document first saw the light of day in 1966.
  22. PHRASE 明白过来;领悟
    If someone sees the light, they finally realize something or change their attitude or way of behaving to a better one.
    1. I saw the light and ditched him.
  23. PHRASE 点燃;点着
    If you set light to something, you make it start burning.
    1. They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.
  24. in AM, use 美国英语用 set fire to

  25. PHRASE 使(某事)显得非常清楚;使人了解(某事)
    To shed light on ,throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it.
    1. A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
  26. PHRASE 隧道尽头的曙光;黑暗尽头的希望
    When you talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, you are referring to the end of the difficult or unpleasant situation that you are in at the moment.
    1. All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
  27. all sweetness and light → see: sweetness


  1. ADJ-GRADED 轻的;不重的
    Something that is light does not weigh very much, or weighs less than you would expect it to.
    1. Modern tennis rackets are now apparently 20 per cent lighter.
    2. ...weight training with light weights...
    3. Try to wear light, loose clothes.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 少量的;程度轻的;强度低的
    Something that is light is not very great in amount, degree, or intensity.
    1. It's a Sunday like any other with the usual light traffic in the city...
    2. Trading was very light ahead of yesterday's auction.
    3. ...a light breeze.
  3. ADJ (设备、机器等)轻型的,轻便的
    Light equipment and machines are small and easily moved, especially because they are not heavy.
    1. ...a convoy of light armoured vehicles...
    2. They used light machine guns and AK forty-sevens.
  4. ADJ-GRADED (土壤)松软的,轻质的
    Soil that is light is easy to dig, because it has a loose texture and is not sticky or solid.
    1. Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light, tropical soils.
  5. ADJ-GRADED (颜色)淡的,浅的
    Something that is light is very pale in colour.
    1. The walls are light in colour and covered in paper...
    2. He is light haired with gray eyes.
    3. Light is also a combining form.
    4. We know he has a light green van.
    5. ...a light blue box.
  6. ADJ-GRADED (睡眠)不深的;(人)容易惊醒的
    A light sleep is one that is easily disturbed and in which you are often aware of the things around you. If you are a light sleeper, you are easily woken when you are asleep.
    1. She had drifted into a light sleep...
    2. She was usually a light sleeper.
  7. ADJ-GRADED (声音、嗓音等)轻柔的
    A light sound, for example someone's voice, is pleasantly quiet.
    1. The voice was sweet and light.
  8. ADJ-GRADED (餐食)少量的,易消化的
    A light meal consists of a small amount of food, or of food that is easy to digest.
    1. ...a light, healthy lunch.
    2. and cheese or other light refreshment.
  9. ADJ-GRADED (食物)清淡的,易消化的
    Food that is light has a delicate flavour and is easy to digest.
    1. Berti's clear tomato soup is deliciously light...
    2. Bake salmon in foil or poach in a light stock for 8-10 minutes.
    3. ...light table wines.
  10. ADJ-GRADED 不费力的;轻松的
    Light work does not involve much physical effort.
    1. He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.
  11. ADJ-GRADED (行为后果、处罚等)轻微的,不严重的
    If you describe the result of an action or a punishment as light, you mean that it is less serious or severe than you expected.
    1. She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.
  12. ADJ-GRADED 轻捷的;轻盈的;用力小的
    Movements and actions that are light are graceful or gentle and are done with very little force or effort.
    1. Use a light touch when applying cream or make-up...
    2. There was a light knock at the door.
  13. See also: lighter


  1. ADJ-GRADED (书、音乐、电影等)消遣性的,娱乐性的,轻松的
    If you describe things such as books, music, and films as light, you mean that they entertain you without making you think very deeply.
    1. He doesn't like me reading light novels.
    2. ...light classical music.
    3. ...a light entertainment programme.
  2. ADJ-GRADED (说话方式)随意的,不严肃的
    If you say something in a light way, you sound as if you think that something is not important or serious.
    1. Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship...
    2. Let's finish on a lighter note.
  3. ADJ-GRADED (通常用于否定句)轻微的,不重要的
    If you say that something is not a light matter, you mean that it should be treated or considered as being important and serious.
    1. It can be no light matter for the Home Office that so many young prisoners should have wanted to kill or injure themselves.
  4. PHRASE 轻视;对…不在乎;视…为微不足道
    If you make light of something, you treat it as though it is not serious or important, when in fact it is.
    1. Roberts attempted to make light of his discomfort.
  5. See also: lighter


  1. Cracks of light filtered through the shutters
  2. The janitor comes round to turn the lights out
  3. It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly
  4. It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek
  5. It is a light room with tall windows
  6. Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette
  7. Have you got a light anybody?
  8. He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.
  9. They can get on with running the school system according to their own lights and in their own interests.
  10. Nothing about this sum has come to light
  11. At last the light dawned. He was going to marry Phylis!
  12. Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.
  13. The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals
  14. In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.
  15. 'Why didn't somebody come and tell me?' — 'Because you were out like a light.'
  16. Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.
  17. This extraordinary document first saw the light of day in 1966.
  18. I saw the light and ditched him.
  19. They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.
  20. A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
  21. All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
  22. Modern tennis rackets are now apparently 20 per cent lighter.
  23. It's a Sunday like any other with the usual light traffic in the city
  24. They used light machine guns and AK forty-sevens.
  25. Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light, tropical soils.
  26. The walls are light in colour and covered in paper
  27. She had drifted into a light sleep
  28. The voice was sweet and light.
  29. Berti's clear tomato soup is deliciously light
  30. He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.


  illuminate light lighten【导航词义:照亮】

  illuminate v. 照亮,照明


The light illuminates the street.
At night the whole building was beautifully illuminated by moonlight.

  light v. 照亮


The kitchen was poorly lit.
His room was brightly lit.

  lighten v. (使)明亮,(使)变亮


The bonfire lightened the sky.
As the sky lightened, we had to set out.


light up

1. 照亮;发亮  2. 现出吃惊的神情;露出喜色  3. 点烟;开始吸烟  


light on/upon sth

  1. 偶然遇见;偶尔发现
    to see or find sth by accident

    light up

    light sth↔up

    1. 开始抽烟
      to begin to smoke a cigarette
      1. (使)光亮,放光彩
        to become or to make sth become bright with light or colour
        1. to turn/switch the lights on/off
          开 / 关灯
        2. to turn out the light(s)
        3. Suddenly all the lights went out .
        4. It was an hour before the lights came on again.
        5. to turn down/dim the lights
        6. A light was still burning in the bedroom.
        7. ceiling/wall lights
          顶 / 壁灯
        8. Keep going─the lights (= traffic lights) are green.
        9. Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working.
      2. 喜形于色;喜气洋洋
        if sb's eyes or face light up , or sth lights them up , they show happiness or excitement



          according to sb's/sth's lights

        • 根据自己设定的标准
          according to the standards which sb sets for him or herself
          1. be/go out like a light

          2. 很快入睡
            to go to sleep very quickly
            1. be in sb's light

            2. 挡住某人的光线
              to be between sb and a source of light
              1. Could you move─you're in my light.
            3. bring sth to light

            4. 揭露;披露;暴露;揭发
              to make new information known to people
              1. These facts have only just been brought to light.
            5. cast/shed/throw light on sth

            6. 使(问题等)较容易理解
              to make a problem, etc. easier to understand
              1. Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease.
            7. come to light

            8. 为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露
              to become known to people
              1. New evidence has recently come to light.
            9. in a good, bad, favourable, etc. light

            10. 从好(或坏、有利等)的角度
              if you see sth or put sth in a good, bad, etc. light , it seems good, bad, etc.
              1. You must not view what happened in a negative light.
              2. They want to present their policies in the best possible light.
            11. in the light of sth

            12. 考虑到;鉴于
              after considering sth
              1. He rewrote the book in the light of further research.
            13. the lights are on but nobody's home

            14. 稀里糊涂;没头脑;心不在焉
              used to describe sb who is stupid, not thinking clearly or not paying attention
              1. light at the end of the tunnel

              2. 快要熬出头了;曙光在即
                something that shows you are nearly at the end of a long and difficult time or situation
                1. (the) light dawned (on sb)

                2. 豁然开朗;恍然大悟
                  somebody suddenly understood or began to understand sth
                  1. I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned.
                3. the light of sb's life

                4. 心爱的人;心肝宝贝
                  the person sb loves more than any other
                  1. run a (red) light

                    run the lights

                    run the lights

                    see the light

                  2. 终于领悟,最终明白,最后接受(尤指显而易见的事)
                    to finally understand or accept sth, especially sth obvious
                    1. 开始信教;皈依宗教
                      to begin to believe in a religion
                      1. see the light (of day)

                      2. 开始存在;问世;开始为人所知
                        to begin to exist or to become publicly known about
                        1. He's written a lot of good material that has never seen the light of day.
                      3. set light to sth

                      4. 点燃;引火烧
                        to make sth start burning
                        1. A spark from the fire had set light to a rug.
                      5. the bright lights

                      6. 城市生活的多姿多彩
                        the excitement of city life
                        1. Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright lights.
                      7. in the cold light of day

                      8. 有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨
                        when you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer
                        1. These things always look different in the cold light of day.
                      9. hide your light under a bushel

                      10. 不显露才能;不露锋芒
                        to not let people know that you are good at sth
                        1. jump the lights

                        2. 闯红灯
                          to fail to stop at a red traffic light
                          1. be (all) sweetness and light

                            be (all) sweetness and light


                            be light on sth

                          • 不足;缺乏
                            to not have enough of sth
                            1. We seem to be light on fuel.
                          • a light touch

                          • 灵巧的处事能力
                            the ability to deal with sth in a delicate and relaxed way
                            1. She handles this difficult subject with a light touch.
                          • make light of sth

                          • 轻视;对…等闲视之
                            to treat sth as not being important and not serious
                            1. make light work of sth

                            2. 轻而易举地做(某事)
                              to do sth quickly and with little effort
                              1. many hands make light work

                              2. 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高
                                used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help


                                  travel light

                                • 轻装上路
                                  to take very little with you when you go on a trip



                                  1. any device serving as a source of illumination
                                    1. he stopped the car and turned off the lights

                                    Synonym:    light source

                                  2. a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires
                                    1. do you have a light?

                                    Synonym:    lighterigniterignitor

                                  3. the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures
                                    1. he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark

                                    Synonym:    lightness

                                  4. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
                                    1. he had a sparkle in his eye
                                    2. there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes

                                    Synonym:    sparkletwinklespark

                                  5. the quality of being luminous
                                    1. its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun

                                    Synonym:    luminositybrightnessbrightness levelluminanceluminousness

                                  6. public awareness
                                    1. it brought the scandal to light

                                  7. mental understanding as an enlightening experience
                                    1. he finally saw the light
                                    2. can you shed light on this problem?

                                  8. a particular perspective or aspect of a situation
                                    1. although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand

                                  9. a visual warning signal
                                    1. they saw the light of the beacon
                                    2. there was a light at every corner

                                  10. an illuminated area
                                    1. he stepped into the light

                                  11. a person regarded very fondly
                                    1. the light of my life

                                  12. (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
                                    1. the light was filtered through a soft glass window

                                    Synonym:    visible lightvisible radiation

                                  13. having abundant light or illumination
                                    1. they played as long as it was light
                                    2. as long as the lighting was good

                                    Synonym:    lighting

                                  14. a condition of spiritual awareness
                                    1. follow God's light

                                    Synonym:    illumination


                                  1. make lighter or brighter
                                    1. This lamp lightens the room a bit

                                    Synonym:    illumeilluminelight upilluminate

                                  2. begin to smoke
                                    1. After the meal, some of the diners lit up

                                    Synonym:    light upfire up

                                  3. alight from (a horse)

                                      Synonym:    unhorsedismountget offget down

                                    1. to come to rest, settle
                                      1. Misfortune lighted upon him

                                      Synonym:    alightperch

                                    2. fall to somebody by assignment or lot
                                      1. The task fell to me
                                      2. It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims

                                      Synonym:    fall

                                    3. cause to start burning
                                      1. Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter
                                      2. Light a cigarette

                                      Synonym:    ignite


                                    1. characterized by or emitting light
                                      1. a room that is light when the shutters are open
                                      2. the inside of the house was airy and light

                                    2. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
                                      1. her easy virtue
                                      2. he was told to avoid loose (or light) women
                                      3. wanton behavior

                                      Synonym:    easyloosepromiscuoussluttishwanton

                                    3. (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
                                      1. light blue
                                      2. light colors such as pastels
                                      3. a light-colored powder

                                      Synonym:    light-colored

                                    4. (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency
                                      1. light soil

                                    5. (of sleep) easily disturbed
                                      1. in a light doze
                                      2. a light sleeper
                                      3. a restless wakeful night

                                      Synonym:    wakeful

                                    6. demanding little effort
                                      1. light housework
                                      2. light exercise

                                    7. having relatively few calories
                                      1. diet cola
                                      2. light (or lite) beer
                                      3. lite (or light) mayonnaise
                                      4. a low-cal diet

                                      Synonym:    litelow-calcalorie-free

                                    8. easily assimilated in the alimentary canal
                                      1. a light diet

                                    9. of comparatively little physical weight or density
                                      1. a light load
                                      2. magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C

                                    10. designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight
                                      1. light aircraft
                                      2. a light truck

                                    11. psychologically light
                                      1. a light heart

                                    12. not great in degree or quantity or number
                                      1. a light sentence
                                      2. a light accent
                                      3. casualties were light
                                      4. light snow was falling
                                      5. light misty rain
                                      6. light smoke from the chimney

                                    13. (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average
                                      1. light water is ordinary water

                                    14. of little intensity or power or force
                                      1. the light touch of her fingers
                                      2. a light breeze

                                    15. moving easily and quickly
                                      1. the dancer was light and graceful
                                      2. a lightsome buoyant step
                                      3. walked with a light tripping step

                                      Synonym:    lightsometripping

                                    16. of the military or industry
                                      1. light infantry
                                      2. light cavalry
                                      3. light industry
                                      4. light weapons

                                    17. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
                                      1. efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings
                                      2. clear laughter like a waterfall
                                      3. clear reds and blues
                                      4. a light lilting voice like a silver bell

                                      Synonym:    cleanclearunclouded

                                    18. silly or trivial
                                      1. idle pleasure
                                      2. light banter
                                      3. light idle chatter

                                      Synonym:    idle

                                    19. intended primarily as entertainment
                                      1. light verse
                                      2. a light comedy

                                    20. having little importance
                                      1. losing his job was no light matter

                                    21. (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
                                      1. a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable
                                      2. a weak stress on the second syllable

                                      Synonym:    unaccentedweak

                                    22. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so
                                      1. a light pound
                                      2. a scant cup of sugar
                                      3. regularly gives short weight

                                      Synonym:    scant(p)short

                                    23. very thin and insubstantial
                                      1. thin paper
                                      2. light summer dresses

                                    24. weak and likely to lose consciousness
                                      1. suddenly felt faint from the pain
                                      2. was sick and faint from hunger
                                      3. felt light in the head
                                      4. a swooning fit
                                      5. light-headed with wine
                                      6. light-headed from lack of sleep

                                      Synonym:    faintswooninglight-headedlightheaded


                                    1. with few burdens
                                      1. experienced travellers travel light

                                      Synonym:    lightly