He was also for a time the art critic of 'The Scotsman' 有相当长的一段时间他为《苏格兰人》报撰写艺术评论。
Rioja is producing some of the finest wines available at prices that can make a Scotsman blush. 里奥哈正在出产的许多葡萄酒皆是当下的上上之选,其价位足以让苏格兰人汗颜。
The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer. 那里的电台节目总监是一个很棒的苏格兰人,名叫彼得·麦克阿瑟,他告诉我他们已经雇到播音员了。
He is not a Scotsman, and he is not her husband. 他不是苏格兰人,也不是她的丈夫。
But it would probably be better to be a Scotsman in Scotland. 但在苏格兰装苏格兰人很可能要好一点。
She gave me some milk and whisky. She also gave me an old coat and hat of her husband's. I now looked like every other Scotsman, and felt safer. 她给了我点牛奶和威士忌,还把她丈夫的旧外套和帽子送给我。现在我看上去和别的苏格兰人没什么两样,因此感到安全多了。
I thought Scotland would probably be best, because my family came from Scotland and I could pretend to be a Scotsman easily. 我想苏格兰也许最理想,因为我老家是苏格兰,我可以不费吹灰之力地冒充苏格兰人。
The next day the Scotsman is led out. 第三天早上,苏格兰人被拉了出来。
It was a good finish from Steven Thompson, who is another Scotsman to score past me which is doubly frustrating. 这是一个好成绩来自史蒂芬汤普森,谁是另一个苏格兰人过去我哪一个进球是加倍令人沮丧。
The Englishman drank gratefully. "But don't you want one, too?" he asked the Scotsman. 这位英格兰人感激地又喝了。“但你为什么不喝呢?”他问苏格兰人。
Apple told The Scotsman last night it could not comment ahead of next week's launch. 但是苹果昨晚拒绝对下周的发布发表更多的评论。
Have you heard the one about the Englishman, the Irishman and the Scotsman? 你听没听过那个关于英格兰人、爱尔兰人和苏格兰人的笑话?
Montmorency responded by hitting Stuart in the face with his sword hilt, knocking out three of the Scotsman's front teeth. 斯图亚特叫他投降,他的答覆就是用剑柄向斯图亚特脸上撞去,撞脱了三颗门牙。
By the way I'm an impartial Scotsman, but I know a good player when I see one. 另外,我是个公正的苏格兰人,但是我善于辨别球员好坏。
A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman than understanding a New Yorker. 一个伦敦人理解一个苏格兰人比理解一个纽约人更难。
Scotsman: Fight? Against what? No, we will run, and we will live. 苏格兰军人:战斗?与谁战斗呢?不,我们会逃跑,我们会因此而活下来。
Scotsman, carrying a huge suitcase, has been riding a London bus for five miles along its route, all the while attempting to avoid the ticket collector. 一个苏格兰男人带着一个巨大的箱子,乘坐一辆伦敦公共汽车,汽车沿着路线行驶了五英里,一路上他都试图躲避售票员。
She's requested a few extra days for her and her terminal Scotsman. 她要求多请几天假,陪她赖死不活的苏格兰男人。
They begin to argue, and the ticket collector becomes more and more enraged and finally, as the bus is passing over London bridge, he grabs the Scotsman's suitcase, and hurls it out of the bus. 他们开始争吵起来,后来售票员越来越气愤,最后,在汽车路过伦敦大桥的时候,售票员抓起苏格兰男人的箱子,把它扔出了汽车。
The Scotsman owned a hen and each morning would look in his garden and pick up one of his hen's eggs for breakfast. 苏格兰人养了一只母鸡,他每天早上都会去花园拾鸡蛋做早餐。
In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow ( two percent) 在英国约克郡,可以在古城墙内杀死苏格兰人,但前提该苏格兰人手持弓箭。
Scotsman: william Wallace is seven feet tall! 苏格兰军人:威廉?华莱士有七尺高!
The Irishman, the Scotsman, the Canadian and the Australian laugh at it along with the American& and with the Englishman who has lived in the United States. 与美国人一道对其报以嘲笑的还有爱尔兰人、苏格兰人、加拿大人和澳大利亚人&以及在美国生活过的英国人。
While waiting in Paris for her new fiance, Mike Campbell, a Scotsman of noble birth, Brett goes off and has an affair with Cohn, a boxer, but it means little if not nothing to her. 当在巴黎遇见她的新未婚夫,MikeCampbell,苏格兰贵族,Brett离开了,并且扯上了Cohn,一个拳击手,但是意义不大,并不意味什麽。如果是她的所爱对象的话。
According to the Scotsman, a rare first edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has changed hands for$ 37,700. 据一位苏格兰人介绍,珍贵的《哈利波特与魔法石》的首个版本以37700美元转手。
There's the odd Scotsman knocking about. 那个古怪的苏格兰人在场。