On Zhang Ailing's Wasteland Consciousness and Depreciative Depiction towards Masculinity 张爱玲男性贬抑书写的荒原意识诉求
It deeply influenced the creation of the business novels in the Tang Dynasty, and directly led to the depreciative description of businessmen. 它对于唐人小说的商贾题材创作,有着深刻的影响,直接导致了作品对于商贾带有强烈贬抑色彩的描写。
High or low tax rate, amount of deduction before tax, fast or slow depreciative speed, tax favorable degree etc, all of these are the signals for the investors to increase or decrease their investment. 税率高低、税前扣除的多少、折旧速度、税收优惠程度等,均是刺激各投资主体增减投资的信号。