
英 [bɪˈlɪtlɪŋ] 美 [bɪˈlɪtlɪŋ]

v.  贬低; 小看




  1. VERB 轻视;贬抑;小看
    If you belittle someone or something, you say or imply that they are unimportant or not very good.
    1. We mustn't belittle her outstanding achievement...
    2. It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster.


  1. We must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves.
  2. But we are all jealous of one another, which is another way of belittling the King.
  3. The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous, the ex-employee writes. I found them snobby, cliquey and frankly, rude.
  4. 'Professionals call it elderspeak, the sweetly belittling form of address that has always rankled older people,'the article says.
  5. I shied away from the subject because it felt belittling to my efforts to admit that some ─ a lot?
  6. Companies may be reluctant to admit their offices are anything less than pleasant, but incivility think belittling barbs or gruff responses can lead to lost productivity, creativity and talent.
  7. You are really attacking the person and belittling them, Mr. Post says. They see you as a bully, and don't want to interact with you.
  8. Stop belittling yourself& your work is highly valued.
  9. The Economic Explanation of Farmers '"Belittling Health-keeping, Valuing Medical Treatment" Behavior in China
  10. Belittling comments; managed a deprecating smile at the compliment; deprecatory remarks about the book; a slighting remark.
  11. Comments about your clothes, harsh words about something you said, laughing at your ideas, or belittling something you care about are all behaviors that create tension and discord.
  12. He's always belittling me and I wish I had a chance to rub his nose in thedirt.
  13. The best way is forgetting him, neglecting and belittling him.
  14. Though, there are the consciousness and effect of belittling Western learning and prettifying traditional culture in his study, generally speaking, but it grew with the times.
  15. Also, its elevation of social and political dimensions and its belittling of the individual dimension have made contemporary art more biased.
  16. They sought to make themselves powerful by belittling others and making their employees question their own skills and abilities.
  17. A distant or belittling father, an emotionally smothering or needy mother, and in the center a boy with nobody to guide him on the path to manhood.
  18. The main problems existing in fixed assets management of scientific research institutes are valuing purchase but belittling management and low utilization ratio.
  19. Others, still smarting from years of belittling messages, will unconsciously tend to mirror others in the same way out of pattern repetition or to perpetuate a destructive pecking order.
  20. Rao argues against an "inbred academic system", while Cui accuses him of" belittling plant anatomy ".
  21. "Misogyny" means the sentiment or the topic of distorting and belittling the female's image, pushing all faults to the female in literature.
  22. However, his belittling of peasants from the angle of culture embodied the intolerance in his mind and emotion.
  23. After entering the modern society, this kind of story that ordinary masses told is while affirming women's intelligence and laborer's own value, there is inclination of criticizing or belittling Confucius.
  24. It brought the brand-new enlightenment meaning for cultural research and peoples culture research changed people's view which is either praise or belittling on the people's culture for a long time make people review people's culture with the new visual angle and define people's culture again.
  25. Under the direct influence of the Chinese traditional values which attach importance to interpersonal relation, but despise relation between man and nature, the characteristics of the traditional educational values are: thinking highly of the tool value of education but belittling its inherent value;
  26. Misleadings: opposition between Classical Chinese and Vernacular, negating classicism, opposing the applying of allusion and antithesis, belittling Chinese Language and Characters more totally.
  27. The ideal Personality in Jin Yong's novels includes upholding righteous but belittling money, being honest and keeping one's promise, being brave and fearless.
  28. This plan has also many shortcomings and limitations such as the prominent national defense industry, the policy belittling basic research, more cost paid by the agriculture pays and so on.
  29. School moral education in curriculum design and implementation, those who guide the National Student Unity of moral awareness, Practical Unity of moral command should be repealed, teachers cannot openly belittling the moral minority in the classroom, and with Han Chinese Traditional Moral values superior.



  1. the act of belittling

    1. a belittling comment

        Synonym:    denigration


      1. tending to diminish or disparage
        1. belittling comments
        2. managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
        3. deprecatory remarks about the book
        4. a slighting remark

        Synonym:    deprecatingdeprecativedeprecatorydepreciativedepreciatoryslighting