The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick. 两个党派的参议员们普遍对作为预算噱头的税收削减嗤之以鼻。
People used to disparage a comet as "a disaster star". 过去人们贬称彗星为“扫帚星”。
It is important to point out that it is not the intent of this discussion to disparage RSS in any way. 必须指出的是,本文中的讨论没有任何贬低RSS的目的。
I do not mean to disparage the creativity involved in food production. 我并不是要贬低食品生产中所包含的创造力。
Not only was I able to disparage their colour schemes but I could also play armchair psychologist and declare what it all meant. 我不仅能够对他们的色彩方案指指点点,还能扮演一位纸上谈兵的心理学家,解读其中含义。
Most of the people you deal with will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say or do most of the time. 你周围的大部分人大部分时间里会不喜欢、蔑视、轻视或忽略你所说的话或所做的事。
Other newspapers in the country tended to disparage this as'weak liberalism '. 国内的其他报纸都把这种情形贬之为“软弱的自由主义”。
Amendments ix: the enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. 第九条:本宪法对某些权利的列举,不得被解释为否定或轻视由人民保留的其他权利。
It is notoriously known that writers tend to disparage each other. 文人相轻是人所共知、臭名在外。
The left accuses it of ripping off taxpayers to save Wall Street, the right damns it as socialism; economists disparage its technicalities, political scientists its sweeping powers. 左翼势力控诉该计划无异于抢劫纳税人的钱财去救助华尔街,右翼势力谴责该计划为社会主义运动;经济学家鄙视计划的学术性,政治科学家崇拜它横扫一切的强大威力。
Researchers must not unjustifiably criticise or disparage other Researchers. 研究人员不能不公正地批评或贬损其他研究人员。
You disparage me, call me less than caesar? 你蔑视我,我比不上凯撒?
Sell-side advisers in the US and Europe point to interest from well-funded Chinese bidders when trying to liven up an auction. Competitors disparage Chinese companies 'sophistication and their ability to execute a deal while secretly fretting about what valuation they might put on the table. 在试图给拍卖会注入生气时,美欧卖方顾问会提到资金充沛的中国买家的兴趣。竞争对手一边大肆贬低中国企业的老练程度和交易执行能力,一边对中国企业可能提出的报价暗自焦虑。
Political correctness is a term generally used to disparage efforts to raise awareness about and eliminate social and political biases in language and other forms of representation. 政治正确是指为了避免真实存在的或所谓的不公正的歧视而采用的变换另一种称呼的行为。
It was Tun-weng himself who was dissatisfied with her and who had thus resorted to this veiled manner to disparage her. 是遯翁自己对她不满意,所以用这种皮里阳秋的笔法来褒贬。
They expound glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, disparage them. 他们阐述、颂扬自己的教义,但是对于他人的教义,则贬低、辱骂、鄙视、毁谤。
Now do not for a moment mean to disparage business. 如今,我一点也没有瞧不起做生意。
Do not disparage anyone's contribution. 不要贬低任何人的贡献。
Don't disparage good manners. Don't take it too hard. Let bygones be bygones. 不要把礼貌不放在心上。
But going to Turkey to criticise Israel and to disparage France and Germany, and then on to India to castigate Pakistan was not the best-laid plan. 但跑到土耳其去批评以色列、诋毁法国和德国,然后又在印度斥责巴基斯坦,则不是什么上策。
Those who disparage Brutus are talking of his shadow. 那些批评布鲁塔士的人谈的是他的影子。
With that said Hung-chien could no longer disparage him. 这样一说,鸿渐倒没法损他了。
Now I do not for a moment mean to disparage business. 我无意贬低经商,只是说它不适合我。我做生意只是为了赚钱。
It is bad luck for Mr Gingrich that one of his former wives has been so willing to disparage his fitness for the presidency. 倒霉的是,金里奇先生的前妻之一还十分乐意就金里奇对总统一职的适合程度贬损几句。
We must get rid of the bad habit of writers who like to disparage one another. 我们必须清除文人相轻的坏习气。
I agree, but then he went on to say that government's role is not to disparage wealth, but to expand its reach. 我同意这种说法,但他进而指出,政府的职责不是贬低财富,而是使更多人享有财富。
The research on leisure should not disparage, ignore or repel popular and secular leisure. 休闲研究不应贬损、忽视、拒斥大众化、世俗化的休闲。
As a result of all sorts of reasons, people generally disparage and neglect the tacit knowledge and its function, but the tacit knowledge is actually the important understanding origin. 由于种种原因,人们对缄默知识及其作用普遍贬低与忽视,但缄默知识却是认识的重要来源。
Influenced by the thought of post-modernism philosophy, especially the knowledge view of post-modernism, some people disparage the function and value of the scientific knowledge education in the new curriculum reform. 受后现代主义哲学思潮尤其是后现代知识观的影响,在我国新课改过程中,响起了贬低科学知识教育作用与价值的声音。
Temporal self-appraisal theory mentions that individuals tend to disparage the past self and compliment the present self, in order to maintain and enhance the present self-esteem. 时间自我评价理论认为个体在对时间维度上的自我进行评价时,通常会贬低过去自我,使现在自我优于过去自我,以维护和提升现在的自尊。