Seeing how cleverly he had been outwitted he made no complaint. 看到自己在计谋上完全不是对手,他甘拜下风。
In scenes similar to the martial arts DreamWorks animation Kung Fu Panda, the male and female red pandas dodged and pounced as they each tried to outwit their opponent. 和梦工厂动画片《功夫熊猫》中的场景相类似,这一公一母的两只小熊猫或躲避对方攻击、或突然猛扑过去,想要以智取胜。
The real question, Luca, is how shall I outwit you this time? 卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。
MODOK's moves include Mind Control, Force Blast, Psychic Blast, Outwit, Invulnerability and more. MODOK的举动,包括精神控制,部队爆破,心理稻瘟病,智取胜,无敌等等。
The risk is that, in trying to be too clever, investors merely outwit themselves. 风险在于,聪明反被聪明误,到头来投资者不过只是算计了自己。
Don't think you can outwit me, croft. 别以为你能骗过我,克劳夫。
Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents. 他反正总能设法智胜对手。
It is delusional to think that a regulatory system can be based on formulas either the investment bankers will outwit the regulators or the regulators will overreact. 认为监管体系可建立在准则基础上是痴心妄想要么投资银行家会耍花招绕过监管,要么监管者会反应过度。
Schelling, a brilliant game theorist and long-time smoker, used a variety of game theoretic tricks to outwit a formidable opponent his addicted self. 谢林是一位优秀的博弈理论学家和老烟鬼,曾利用各种博弈论招数来试图制服那个强大的对手烟瘾极大的自己。
Thanks to the intelligence he obtained, Alexander was able to outwit Napoleon, anticipating his invasion. 亚历山大在他的情报部门的帮助下,得以击败拿破仑,并侵略它国。
He decided to outwit these fellows, and he began to send a message himself. 他决心以智取胜,于是他开始自己拍出一份电报。
Always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers. 他总是能够瞒骗过他的追赶者。
Such is the universal law, which no man can ever outwit, and with regard to the railroad even we may say it is as broad as it is long. 这便是普遍的规律,从没有人能胜过它;至于铁路,我们可以说它是很广而且很长的。
Our analysis revealed potential mechanisms of virulence, which we hope will help us develop novel antiviral strategies to both outwit the virus and moderate the host immune response. 我们分析发现了病毒毒力的来源,有助于发展对付病毒以及降低宿主免疫反应的新型抗病毒药物。
As long as you take my advice, you will outwit your rival. 只要你采纳我的意见,你就能战胜你的竞争对手。
They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI. 这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。
Garfield: I make apoint to get it good everyday. The real question, Luca, is how shall I outwit you this time? 加菲猫:我每天都打定主意要得到它呀。卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。
Economists frequently explain eccentric behaviour with a model of two rational agents in one body, battling to outwit each other. 经济学家经常用一种模型来解释古怪的行为,即一个主体内有两个理性行动者,它们争着显示自己比对方高明。
How can you outwit the devil in your game? 你怎么能在游戏中蒙骗死神?